All to often in this life we feel judged and as if something or someone we can not often see seems to have it against us. I sit here and think just wonder how much of this is actually true? Well it is now 13th december 2018 and my flat is not decorated but that does not bother me if i am to be honest this is just temporary accommodation and i might have to get proper accommodation eventually. I do place bids on every week in the hope i have a home sometime next year.
Right now I am actually ill and fighting an infection, so plenty of antibiotics and fruit, fruit juice apple cider vinegar and rest. So my blogs will be a little hit and miss well wont be as many as usual i dont think due to the infection I am fighting and the medication they have me on tends to knock me sideways for a while.
I went to church last sunday and it felt good to be there, it felt like i was apart of something again people i didnot know talking to me. within one hour of beinghome i had a call from the police who want me in another county to do the video statement. This is something i am dreading but i know that what i have to say is the truth and if i do not tell someone ttell the courts what he has done then someone else will end up suffering and that person might end up in a worse situation. I am lucky to be here but what if the next person is not so lucky thats something i would not be able to handle.
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