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fleeing from Domestic Abuse, Domestic Violence and Coercive Control

When i left i didnot have a plan or anything, I didnt knowwhat to do or how to feel i must admit i switched to automatic for a while after i left.  My best advice is if your going to leave an abusive relationship i think the most important things for you to take is on the list below.


1. Any important phone numbers police, medical, your domestic violence risk officers number, social worker (if appropriate ), childrens school (if appropriate), womens aid number/ refuge number.

2. teach any children to call 999 or 911 if your in america

3.  if theres neighbours you trust tell them and get them to help plan and practice escape routes

4. Try to keep some money on you at all times

5. if you think your about to be attacked do what i did on many occassions go to somewhere you can away from the person whose threatening you.

6. be prepared to run in an emergency situation


1. Identification  birth certificate, your children's birth certificate (if applicable), Photo id (don't worry too much the refuge will help you get this.)

2.  Clothes is always necessary just enough for a few days (again the refuge should be able to help with this)

3.  I took a little food in with me, (because it was pay day id brought a little with the money i had)

4.   take some money, bank cards, books, cheque book

5.   any important keys

6.  Perscription medication (i left without because he had tken it off me )

7. Driving licence, passport

8.  Documents relating to housing tenure (if applicable...)

9  insurance dicuments

10.  address book

11.  family photos

12  small toys for your children, security blankets

13. Take any evidence or reports from the police, solicister if you have them


1. block the abuser and their contacts from facebook, twitter and any social media accounts you have

2. switch off the location on your phone and computer

3.  I chose to ignore any phone number i do not know

My ex made plenty of attempts to contact me through facebook and my old mobile phone number.


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