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Homeless at Christmas

The closer we get to Christmas the more i find I'm thinking about the troops fighting or who are on peace keeping exercises. I do hold a lot of respect for these boys and girls and wish them the best Christmas can offer.  I have friends with in the military both here in the UK and in the USA, some are on operations while others are fortunate enough to be home. Yet there are thousands of troops who are spending Christmas alone in hospital or therapeutic homes due to injuries whether physical or mental the men and women who fight are hero's. What I don't condone is the act of war but that's a different story entirely. Although i wanted to serve in the military I was not allowed to due to poor chest (life long asthmatic) and poor mental health i often wonder if i had been born without the issues would  i have signed up to follow in my grandfathers footsteps.  But life took me in a very different direction, which in some ways i am glad it did, i have learnt many lessons...
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fleeing from Domestic Abuse, Domestic Violence and Coercive Control

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